Thursday, May 26, 2011

Senior Trip?

I say yeeeah buddy. im sooo excited!
so pretty much, i started this year out hating all the girls on my spirit team squad.
okay so i exagerate. it was really like half. but thats beside the point. the point is, we are truely best friends now. these girls consist of Stacy Norton, Kate Ladd, Brooke Fairfield (thanks Jan), Ashley Anderson, Mego Abel, and Cailey Haynie. now we are all heading down to St. George in the morning! am i even packed? no. am i really all too worried about it? not really. im just so excited to spend the next 4 days with these absolutly astounding young women. they all have a special place in my heart. i love you girls. dont fret. ill post pictures of all the fun that we have. :D

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Yeah buddy! Morp was so much fun! Okay, let me get you the basics, i went with the one and only... Spencer Taylor! Don't know him? That's okay, and understandable. He's super quiet, i wish that he weren't, he's such a funny kid. I don't think that i have ever laughed so hard in my life!

The Day Date: We went to the Zoo. Sceptical a bit? I was at the beginning as well, i was embarrassed to tell him that was what we were doing for the date. can i just say this? Funnest date of my life! Granted, you have to go with someone who appreiciates the Zoo. and someone who you can totally be yourself with. we've been to two dances before this, we are in the same ward, I've known him for as long as i can remember, so I'm quite comfortable with him. Have you ever laughed so hard that your back hurt? i can now say that i have. he is a crack up!

Dinner: One of my favorite quotes that he said all night was when he was teaching me how to watch football, and he looked at me and said, "You're killin' me Peete!" dear Spencer, i think that it is Smalls. "You're killin' me Smalls!" he was super embarrassed. also, he was quoting Rush Hour 3 and he turned to me after i had just taken a bite of my pizza, and said "He's huge, like you!" i then turned to him mid-bite and hollered "what are you saying?! is that a fat joke?!" again, he was embarrassed, and tried to explain himself, because i have never seen that movie. i nearly peed! Also, we won the eating contest, being tied for first, i pulled us ahead. cause that's how we do it.

Dance: Its really not worth mentioning, we were there for... about an hour, the music was no good, hard to dance to. We slow danced once or twice, then decided we had been there long enough, and called it good.

After Dance Date: I'm guessing you have played Steal the Flag, but have you played Steel the Flag in Allred's Ace Hardware?! I wish that i could express to you just how fun it is! Stubbed toes, bruises every where, scraped up backs, it was so enjoyable. No, really, it was. It's pitch black, you divide the store in half, hide the glow sticks then... let the games begin!!! girls won. naturally. i don't remember how many games we played, but girls won more than half. haha!

The Dreaded... Door Scene: This one i was actually not dreading, strangely enough. until we got up to the door, and he unlocked it, then opened it a few inches, getting his escape all set into place, then turned back to me, wouldn't even look at me, gave me a one armed hug, then dashed inside. Sin. Why? i don't understand! Sweet mercy! its just a hug child! i don't understand this thing we call males. how can they even be categorized in the same species as us females. We are totally sane.. most of the time. We only romanticize some things. We think totally normal, or so we think.. which makes total sense, doesn't it?

Heaven help us, male and female.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Have you ever sat down and actually thought about the days of the week, their advantages and disadvantages? Well i have, and i did it with a dear friend. Okay, so i lied, we aren't dear friends, but i wish we were. And while I'm at it, i really hope he'll never get the URL to my blog. Sin, that would be embarrassing... anyways. as i was saying, i did. so we talked about all the days of the week, this boy and i, and this is what we came up with.
Monday: tolerable, only because its early out.
Wednesday: You've officially made it half way! Congratulations!
Thursday: One more day and you're to Friday! And special needs of course!
Friday: Its the week end (week end) Ps. Kill me, i hate that song.
Saturday: Chill. do what ever you want! which for me is doing nothing. Yeeees..
Sunday: Sabbath!
Now, you may have noticed that i skipped a day. why is that you may ask? because its Tuesday, and its not worth mentioning, but since Tuesday is the heading of my post today, i guess ill give it a title.
Tuesday: Worst day of the week!
why? only because you aren't even half way! Yet you wish it were Friday!
Today is particularly bad, because of the following:
Its Tuesday.
I found out that Hercules is really a heart wrenching story that Disney got all wrong!
I work.
And... that is all. i cant think of another good reason.
i woke up this morning and was brought to the brink of tears with just the thought, "sin, today is only Tuesday."
dang, i need to do something to lighten up "the worst day of the week".