Friday, May 25, 2012

opening the doors.

change sucks, but as everyone has always said, it is good and helps you progress. in my mind i agree, in my heart i think some cotton headed ninny muggin made that up. every time change comes knocking on my door i usually lock it tight and hide. not this time. i'm opening the door wide and not necessarily inviting it in, but not locking it out either, which makes me nervous but excited.

Derek moved out a week ago. and i cried then. not because i was going to miss him, but because i know that this one change, is just the beginning of so much more. i don't like that. we're growing up guys. when i asked a customer how he was doing today he said, "the best ever, and do you know why that is? because i live one day at a time. i don't live in the past nor the future, i enjoy the now."

it hit me like a ton of rocks. i need to stop worrying about the future, and stop looking at the past. obviously i need to prepare for the future, but prepare and worry are two totally different things. i hope i can find the balance.

i'll keep you all posted.

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