Monday, October 24, 2011

College has taught me...


Okay. so thats is partially a joke, things that i have learned from this whole college experience, is that first, milk always tastes better straight from the carton.
second, you learn that high school homework, well... it has nothing on college homework
third, it shows you how much your family truly means to you, and all the things that your Ma did for you, and you love and appreciate them so much more.
fourth, when you make a mess, you either clean it, or you live in it. i've learned to clean mine.
fifth, you realize how much grocery shopping sucks, then you realize you are going to be doing it for the rest of your life. that realization is nearly suicidal.
sixth, did i mention that you love your family about 16,092,293,299 times more?
i know that the list will grow longer, but for now, this is it.

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