Sunday, October 9, 2011

Family History.

I love the sun. here i sit, in my new dorm room, with my window open, sun streaming in, listening to the General Conference talks that i missed.
Family History.
Elder Bednar said the following about family history, and it hit me on the head like a sack of rocks.
"My beloved young brothers and sisters, family history is not simply an interesting program or activity sponsored by the Church; rather, it is a vital part of the work of salvation and exaltation. You have been prepared for this day and to build up the kingdom of God. You are here upon the earth now to assist in this glorious work."
may we all realize how important it is that we do family history! Bless you Elder Bednar.
My mom took a three week long trip to England, Scotland and Wales last month, (the time length nearly killed me) but she went there for family. She found statutes of our ancestors.

Thomas Charles Edwards. 1837-1900
Thomas Charles. 1755-1814
(mentioned in Wells' History books. sweeeet.)
These men are my ancestors. Thanks to my mother, i know this, (and have the pictures.) i hope that some day, maybe my great great great granddaughter will be interested enough to look back and find my name. And find out about neat things that i did in my life. My Mom told me that when they'd tell people there that they were related to Thomas Charles, they would say, "Every one knows who Thomas Charles is over here!" i want to leave my mark. i want people to know who i am even after i've been dead for 150 years, even if it is only my direct descendants. Maybe i wont be mentioned in Americas History books, but i can still leave my mark. And thats my mission now, to find people in my line, and learn more about them.

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