Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Dad.

if you don't know him, you are missin' out on something else, I'll tell you what.
i love my dad. more than words can say.
sometimes, i don't talk to him for a week and a half, and i don't realize how much a miss him till i hear his voice on the other line, and i get misty eyes.
trying to tell you how much i love my dad is like trying to describe the smell of freshly fallen rain, the only way to discribe it, is how it is.
so here is is,
plain and simple.
i love my dad!!
ignore the weirdy to the left.

This is part of my simply wonderful family.
Dad? We'll keep you around for a long, long time.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! Alyssa...I'm so glad you have a blog! Now I can stalk you ;-) And I have to agree...your dad IS a great man!
