Friday, June 3, 2011

Good Ol' St. George

So we went to St. George. and it was all that i had hoped for, and so so much more. the things that i was expecting include the following; the heat. that was not a let down. the sun, sun tans, shopping, ice cream, and total relaxation. things that i did not expect and are the things that i loved this trip for all the more; 5 friendships that i am sure will last a lifetime. and 2 friendships that evolved to a much more personal level. getting yelled at in the late hours of the night for "stealing my spot..." i love the 7 girls that i had the privilege to spend 4 days with. normally while spending 2 or more days with 2 or more females, the estrogen in the air becomes too much, and you nearly take each others heads off. this was not the case. not on my part anyways. i don't know how the other girls felt by 5:00 Monday evening. but i love these girls and have the utmost respect for them. i look forward to what the coming years have in store for these girls, and myself. and i fervently pray that as we all go our separate ways, to college, missions, marriage, and hair school, that we will always remember what this trip has done for us and the near nonexistent friendships that are no longer nonexistent, and not let it go to waste.


  1. and hair school.
    i love you.
    and this post.

  2. i love you too. i should have put high school in there for your sake as well, but it was an after thought. so no bueno.
