Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My 7 amigos.

i miss my 7 girls.
more than words can say.
but i love them even more. they are my inspiration.
i so look forward to this weekend when i get to see them again.
we're going to sleep over and act like children. naturally.

Ash: if you weren't up here at college with me, i don't know what i'd do. go insane naturally.
BroOoke: i love seeing you. you just make me so happy. and i love what St. George did for our friendship. i miss you my darling.
Mego: i miss you. i do. but i am so happy for you. and i hope that you and Mckay are eternally happy.
Brooke: you are the sweetest thing that ever was on this planet. i told my brother that you are the kindest person i had ever met. and there is no one better than my little Brookey Brooke.
Kate: My love. i miss talking to you. and i know that i will this weekend, but just thinking of how much i miss you, it brings tears to my eyes. you make me laugh so hard. i love your weird voices. :)
Stace: where do i begin? you're always there for me. and you listen, and i so appreciate that. last night, i was so lonely and homesick, and you were there for me. Thank you, for everything.
Cai: ... i love you. sometimes, you have to be apart from something/someone to realize what they mean to you. i haven't met anyone funnier than you. don't fret. you're the best.
To all: i miss you girls to no end.

These girls have taken me to new levels.
They changed my taste in music for the better.
i used to hate this song, now i love it.
they have helped pushed me beyond my limits, and made me stronger.
They have made me better.
They have helped make me, me.
i love you.

1 comment:

  1. yeesh. i hadn't cried in at least 3 days and here you come with this. you're the worst. slash, i love you to freaking death.
